Link to Intro Video

The Learn Page - Assignments

This is the page you will arrive at upon logging in. Assignments are listed in Due Date Order. If an assignment is overdue, it is indicated by "Overdue" in orange next to the due date.

Hover over the info button get more information about the asignment. You can click anywhere along the line to start an assignment.

The Courses Page

You can switch to the Courses page from the Learn page. Here you can find more information and review your graded work.

Lesson - Toolbar

The Toolbar is shown on the side and will follow you as you work through the lesson. Reference information and text-to-speech tools are included in the Toolbar.


Lesson - Navigation Bar

You can see the assignment you're working on now in the middle. To the left, you can easily jump back to your list of assignments and courses. On the right, you'll see the sections and questions. Instead of scrolling up and down to see your questions, you can easily jump back and forth between them from here. This means you can read all of the material OR see all the questions. Odysseyware will keep track of where you are on the page and which section you are being asked about.