Listed below are some common errors and how to resolve them:

ERROR: Unfortunately, Your Session Has Expired error message

If you see this message it is most likely because you are using the Safari browser on a mac. These activities are not compatible with Safari. Please use Chrome or Firefox. A screenshot of this error is shown below:

If you see this message and click Close, you will be presented with an Edgenuity login screen. You do not need to login. Please close the window and go to another browser and launch the activity again from the Bridgeway Learning center.

ERROR: Invalid user data. ConsumerKey: 640172LTI, UserName: 1726095

If you see an error similar to the above, it means an account setup did not occur for you. Please let our advisor know or submit a support ticket and this will be resolved ASAP.

Seeing ERROR 512 on Chrome?

If you see this error on Chrome rather than Safari, there is likely an issue with your cookies. This error is very rare in Chrome, as Chrome usually accepts most cookies without having you to allow them. Follow these steps to allow them through. If you are using a tablet, Apple or Android, the steps are the same but might have a slightly different interface appearance.

1. Open Chrome settings

    Scroll down to Privacy and Security. Click on 'Cookies and other site data'.

2. Inside that menu, click the Add button for 'Sites that can always use cookies'.

3. Type '' in the box, select the checkbox, and click 'Add'.

4. Exit the settings and refresh the page or restart the course. Your activities should now be working.

    If you are still experiencing issues with your activities, please reach out to us by phone or ticket and we will assist you.