Review your work before beginning quizzes and tests 

When a quiz or test is your next assignment, you probably want to study before you take the quiz or test. Lessons you completed prior to the quiz or test will have the instructional content that makes up the quiz or test. You can go back to these completed lessons which appear before the quiz or test to review and study.

  1. Click the Learn button on the main nav bar, and then click the Courses tab.
  2. On the Courses page, click the subject to go to the units.
  3. Click the unit to go to the assignments.
  4. Click a completed assignment which comes before the quiz or test. You know a completed assignment because it shows a Graded Date, a Score and Graded status.
  5. You see the lesson material. To review the questions, on the functional toolbar, click the Question button.
    1. Below the main nav bar, completed questions are color-coded so you can see which questions you answered correctly, which were incorrect, and any questions you got partially correct.

  1. Continue selecting questions to view the answers.
  2. To hide the answer key, click the Hide Answers button.
    1. Tip: To also help you study, you can print the lesson material and make a study guide.
  3. To review another completed lesson in the course, on the toolbar, click the Courses button, and then click the Back arrow (located at the top) to see all the assignments. Click the completed assignment, and then click the Question button.

Take quizzes and tests 

When your next assignment is a quiz or test, and you feel you are prepared and ready to take the assessment, do the following steps.

  1. Tip: If the quiz or test has already been attempted or requires that the teacher unlock it before you start, a notification message appears. If you are ready to take the quiz or test once unlocked, click the Request to Unlock button to send a notification to your teacher. If you are NOT ready to take the quiz or test and do not need it unlocked at this time, click I'm Not Ready. 1
  1. On the Assignments page, click the quiz or test you want to take.
  2. Click Work on Questions and answer each question.
  3. Click Next Question or the question number at the top to move to the next question. You can move back and forth through the questions.
  4. f you need assistance with a question, click Ask For Help tool to write and send a message to your teacher. See "Message your teachers while working on assignment questions" on the next page.
  5. If the question requires an essay-type answer, you can upload a file containing the answer.
  6. To have Writer examine your entered text, click the Writer tool. If words are highlighted, right-click to see the suggestions.
  7. Click the Submit Answer button when finished with all questions in all sections, and then click Yes, Please to turn in the assignment. If you have uncompleted questions, be sure to go back and answer the questions, and then click Turn It In.