About the Learn tabs 

The two tabs you will use the most in the application are the Learn tabs: Assignments and Courses.

Assignments tab - view and open your current assignments

After you log in and have watched or dismissed the video, Odysseyware opens to the Learn > Assignments page. This page displays the Due date, assignment type symbol, title, score (if you attempted the assignment but have not completed it) and status of your current assignments for each course you are enrolled in. When you are ready to work on an assignment, see "Work on your assignments" below.

Courses tab - view your courses and progress on a "Learner Dashboard" and drill into your assignments

When you click the Learn > Courses tab, you see the Courses page containing a list of courses you are enrolled in and other important information about how you are doing in each course, such as your current progress and whether or not you are on track, behind, or ahead in the course pacing. This type of "Learner Dashboard" keeps you informed of how you are doing in a course and gives you control of your coursework.

Then, from your Courses page, for a selected course, you can "drill into" a Units page which shows the course's units and, then "drill into" a selected unit's Assignments page. It is from this Assignments page that you can open assignments you need to work on and also where you open completed assignments so that you can study for upcoming quizzes and tests.

  • To view course information, on the main nav bar, click Learn, and then click the Courses tab. The Courses page displays your progress in each course, such as your current score, number of assignments remaining for the course, and how your pacing (completing of assignments by the Due date) is going. This is your "Learner Dashboard" so you can immediately see how you are doing in a course and what you need to do to stay on track.
    • Tip: A Message tool next to the teacher's name lets you easily write a message to the teacher for the course. Maybe you need some help with the course or have a question for the teacher.
  • Click any course Title to display the units in that course. You see the score, progress for the unit, and start date for the unit.
  • Click any Unit to see a list of all assignments in the unit. You see the due date, assignment type symbol, title, submitted date, graded date, score, and status.
  • To open an assignment in "Assigned" status, or to open a completed (graded) assignment, click the left-facing arrow on the Assignment title row.

Work on your assignments

You are ready to start work on assignments that have a start date closest to the current date. You can work on lessons and projects as your schedule permits; however, quizzes and tests must be completed once started. 

  • On the Assignments page, click the first assignment you want to work on. If the assignment is blocked as indicated by the Blocked symbol, the teacher is messaged to unblock the assignment. 
  • If the assignment is a lesson or project, it opens to the first section. Several options may be available (active) for assignments:
    •  Under the How To button to the left, if you see a red Teacher Note button, click it to read the teacher's notes. 
    • To add notes to the assignment, under the How To button, move your cursor down until a gray button appears. Click the gray button to add your first note. In the Add Note page, enter your notes and click Save.
    • To print this assignment, with or without your notes and the teacher's notes, click the Print tool 
    • To see more information about assignment text, highlight the text, and then click the Reference tool. 
    • To view a translation of assignment text, highlight the text, click the Translate tool, and then select one of the available languages. The translated text appears in a separate page. 
      • Note: Translated text is limited to 1000 characters at a time. If you highlight more than 1000 characters, a message appears stating that your request has been restricted to the first 1000 characters. 
    • To hear the translated text spoken in the language, click the audio Start tool. To stop the audio, click the Pause tool. To view and hear another language, select it from the language list. 
      • Note: Languages that support audio translation have the speaker with sound waves symbol next to the name. Several languages do not support audio translation of the text. You can only view the translated text. l To hear an audio version of assignment text, highlight the text, click the Speak as tool, and then select a 
      • person's voice. Use the audio Start and Pause tools. 
  • If the assignment is a lesson, do the following steps. 
    • a. Read all sections of the lesson, view the videos, slide shows, listen to the audio clips.
    • b. Click the Read Next Section button to move to the next section.
    • c. Do the practice exercises, including vocabulary practice.
    • d. Click Work on Questions and answer each question at the bottom of the lesson.
    • e. Click Next Question or the question number at the top to move to the next question.
    • f. If you need assistance with a question, click the Ask For Help tool to write and send a message to your teacher.
    • g. Click the section button at top of screen to return to the lesson.
    • h. Click the Turn It In button when finished with all questions in all sections, or on the main nav bar, click Assignments or Courses to leave the lesson without completing it.
  • If the assignment is a project, do the following steps:
    • a. If the project has multiple sections, be sure to read all sections and follow the directions.
    • b. Click the Read Next Section button to move to the next section.
    • c. Click Work on Questions and enter the project's details in the text box. Typically, you need to compose an essay or submit evidence of an outside project. You can work on the project in another file, such as Word doc and upload the file.
    • d. To have Writer examine your entered text, click the Writer tool. If words are highlighted, right-click to see the suggestions.