It is never too early to prepare for life after high school.  To start preparing, you can follow these recommendations.


  • Let your advisor know what your future plans include so your advisor can recommend courses to help you in your plans.
  • Get involved in school and community activities.  Examples would be student council, Online Model United Nations, and community service opportunities.  Try to select service opportunities that will give you insight into your profession of choice.  This is a fun way to meet new people, get valuable experiences, and become a well-rounded student, which colleges and employers love!
  • Focus on your courses to earn high marks.  Colleges and technical schools look at all four years of high school so make sure to give it your all from the very beginning.
  • Talk to your parents about your plans to pay for college/technical school.  Start a savings plan or continue contributing to an already existing savings account.  Now is a great time to start looking for scholarships.


  • Create a document with your list of achievements for the year.  Make sure to add to it each year.  This will make it easier when you apply for jobs and/or to college/technical schools and need to list your accomplishments.
  • Begin researching schools and programs that might fit your interests.  Check out college search sites to help in the search process.
  • Make summer count by volunteering, getting a job, or taking summer enrichment courses.